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A magical trip to the Dhaka LitFest

So there I was, back in my almost favourite city of Dhaka, by invitation of the Dhaka LitFest! I’ve had a long involvement with Bangladesh and lived and worked in Dhaka over several decades...

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Notes from the first-time novel publishing frontline 2 – Readers’ responses

Well, it has been just over a month since publication and my biggest learning experience has been how long it takes for actual books to reach actual people through the multiple and proliferating chains of distribution. Why my overseas readers seem to get The Inheritance Powder a lot quicker than readers in London remains a mystery. And then of course readers need time to read it. Given the ever accumulating pile of “must read” books in my house in varying stages of unread-ness, I am both amazed and grateful at the number of people who have already done so.

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Hilary Standing Book Launch Podcast

Listen to the Podcast here

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Notes from the first time novel publishing frontline

Well, it’s finally out – although almost two weeks on...

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The Inheritance Powder - An interview with Hilary

Watch the video here

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